I have a question for you – How would you describe yourself?


Identity is the strongest force in human personality. We all have a deep and abiding need to remain consistent with how we define ourselves.


Our identity is simply the culmination of the beliefs that shape how we perceive ourselves. These beliefs control how we think, feel and interact with the world around us.

They also influence what we decide to do (and not do) in our own lives.


You are more than you think you are.


Within you lies a vast reservoir of untapped potential, waiting to be unleashed.

Expanding your identity is about transcending your perceived limitations and embracing the boundless possibilities that exist within and around you. It starts first with challenging the beliefs that have confined you and recognising that you are NOT defined by your past or current circumstances.

You have the power to redefine yourself and create a life that aligns with your true desires and aspirations.


Sometimes, we can maintain the illusion that our behaviour decides who we really are.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

We have all experienced moments of anxiety, frustration and defeat, and as a result have maybe said or done things that don’t reflect who we are, right?!

This does not make these behaviours a part of our identity. Rather, they are momentary lapses or unique attempts to meet our needs in the moment.


Our identity is formed through personal experiences, cultural and social background, family upbringing, education, personal traits, media influences, and self-reflection.

It is a dynamic and evolving process that shapes our beliefs, values, behaviors, and sense of self.

The journey of self-discovery is life-long of course as we are always evolving, but if you’re new on the journey of personal development, here are some tips to get you started.



Start by cultivating self-awareness to expand your identity and discover who you really are. Engage in mindfulness practices such as meditation or journaling to connect with your thoughts, emotions, and inner wisdom. Pay attention to your values, desires, and passions. Start to take notice on how different experiences and daily interactions impact your sense of self. Notice what makes you feel good, who you like to be surrounded with, what triggers you?

By developing self-awareness, you gain insights into your authentic identity.



Embody authenticity by aligning your actions, choices, and behaviors with the person you want to be. Embrace your unique qualities and honor your values and passions. Let go of the need for external validation and societal expectations. Trust your intuition and make choices that reflect your authentic identity, even if they differ from societal norms. Embrace self-acceptance and practice self-compassion throughout the process. By embodying authenticity, you create a solid foundation for expanding your identity and living a fulfilled life.



What do you attach after the words ‘I am?’

Who do you want to be? Words are powerful.

Think about the words that you attach to the words ‘I am,’ do they serve to empower or disempower you? Do you like the way that the words define you? Do you feel strong and confident when you are saying these words? Or do you feel scared and uncertain? Do you feel differently when you speak your words vs. having them run around in your head?

When you begin to consciously utilize the power of “I AM” statements, your life will transform. This isn’t something that works for some and won’t work for you; it works when you WORK IT! But, you have to consistently work it. The good news is, once you make this a conscious habit for some time, it becomes an unconscious habit – you have re-trained your brain. You must make it a habit, everyday, to repeat your affirmation.

Your goal must be to dig deep and find those nasty, negative words you may hold over yourself – words that no longer serve you – and transform them. The negative words are usually those statements that you think “define” who you are; also known as the “you are what you think people think you are”

mentality. You are who you create yourself to be. You are who you WANT to be. There is nothing holding you back because of the society you live in, genetics, family, past experiences, childhood, etc.


Limiting Belief: "I am unworthy of love and affection.”

Empowering Statement: "I am deserving of love and affection. I attract loving and nurturing relationships into my life."


Limiting Belief: "I am a failure and will never achieve my goals."

Empowering Statement: "I am resilient and determined. I learn from setbacks and use them as stepping stones towards my success. I am capable of achieving my goals."



You are your own biggest critic and the co-creator of your own life. With that freedom, you have the immense power to decide who you are and who you’d like to become !


I hope this helps today